In this section we will be showcasing the sematic parser, which a very important module of EDDI that plays the of the engine that parses the semantics introduced in EDDIs Chabot's definitions.

We will need regular dictionaries in order to store our custom words and phrases .

First we will make a POST to /regulardictionarystore/regulardictionaries with a JSON in the body like this:

  "language": "en",
  "words": [
      "word": "hello",
      "exp": "greeting(hello)",
      "frequency": 0
  "phrases": [
      "phrase": "good afternoon",
      "exp": "greeting(good_afternoon),language(english)"

The API should return with 201 with an URI referencing the newly created dictionary :


This URI will be used in the parser configuration.

The next step is to create a parser configuration, including the reference to the previously created dictionary .

A POST to /parserstore/parsers must performed.

Submit this type of JSON

Important: Don't forget to replace the <UNIQUE_ID> and <VERSION> !

Example of a parser configuration

  "extensions": {
    "dictionaries": [
        "type": "eddi://ai.labs.parser.dictionaries.integer"
        "type": "eddi://ai.labs.parser.dictionaries.decimal"
        "type": "eddi://ai.labs.parser.dictionaries.punctuation"
        "type": "eddi://"
        "type": "eddi://ai.labs.parser.dictionaries.time"
        "type": " eddi://ai.labs.parser.dictionaries.ordinalNumber"
        "type": "eddi://ai.labs.parser.dictionaries.regular",
        "config": {
          "uri": "eddi://ai.labs.regulardictionary/regulardictionarystore/regulardictionaries/<UNIQUE_ID>?version=<VERSION>"
    "corrections": [
        "type": "eddi://ai.labs.parser.corrections.stemming",
        "config": {
          "language": "english",
          "lookupIfKnown": "false"
        "type": "eddi://ai.labs.parser.corrections.levenshtein",
        "config": {
          "distance": "2"
        "type": "eddi://ai.labs.parser.corrections.mergedTerms"
  "config": null

Description of Semantic Parser types

In order to use the parser based on the created configurations we will have to make a POST to /parser/**<PARSER_ID**>?version=**<VERSION>**

In the body just put plain text, its what you would like to be parsed.

The parser will return expressions representing the elements from your plain text

Note: Keep in mind that this parser is made for human dialogs, not parsing (full-text) documents.